"Source of strength":
Vital-Hotel in Tyrol ...

... with fitness room & activity program

Fitness is fun – try it out at our vitality hotel in Tyrol.
In our fitness room you do something for your health – and also for your good mood.
Because after your workout you will be rewarded with your body’s own happiness hormones and your body will feel pleasantly satisfied.

Paar beim Sport

Get on the equipment - at our vitality hotel in Tyrol, Austria

In our fitness room you can strengthen your stamina or your muscles on modern fitness equipment:

Fit in den Frühling

Our fitness room is open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. – start the day fit in the morning or end it with a relaxed workout during your vitality vacation in Tyrol.
But the most beautiful fitness center is and remains the wonderful Tannheimer Tal on the hotel doorstep …

Wanderer überqueren eine Blumenwiese

Further fitness offers at your Vitality Hotel in Tyrol

Take a look at our weekly program.
Get active and take part in hikes and snowshoe hikes, for example.

Fit & energetic on vacation: at Tyrol, your vitality hotel in Tyrol, Austria!
