Recreation hotel in Tyrol -  Hotel Tyrol

Relax in the "source of tranquillity"

As a recreation hotel in Tyrol, we have completely designed our VitalQuelle wellness area so that you can relax and regenerate from head to toe. We have set up several “sources of peace” for you. Each of our relaxation rooms has its very own ambience and soothing effect. You will quickly find your “favorite source of rest”:

Frau in Bademantel trinkt Tee und lächelt glücklich.

Take a seat in our relaxation rooms

Frau die lächelnd in die Kamera schaut, ein Man im Hintergrund macht einen Saunaaufguss.

Swiss stone pine sauna for the Swiss stone pine feel-good experience

Enjoy the Swiss stone pine feel-good experience in our contemporary Swiss stone pine forest relaxation room and in our Swiss stone pine sauna.
You can even sit in the middle of the Swiss stone pine trunks.

Our ancestors already knew about the special quality of Swiss stone pine bedrooms and parlors.
In the past, inn parlors in particular were often panelled in Swiss stone pine.
It was well known that Swiss stone pine created more harmony and coziness among guests.

Book your wellness vacation now at a special relaxation hotel in Tyrol, the Komforthotel Tyrol am Haldensee

Pärchen auf der Liege im Wellnessbereich.

Feel the calming power of nature ... at the relaxation hotel in Tyrol

The healing powers of herbs have been known for a long time, but who knows about the positive properties of trees?

Experience the calming effect of Swiss stone pine, the queen of Alpine trees, on your own body in the Zirbenwald relaxation room in our wellness hotel in Tyrol at Lake Haldensee.
The Swiss stone pine has a positive effect on the human vegetative recovery system, the heart beats more calmly and less often – the Swiss stone pine can save the heart up to one hour of “work” a day. This has been proven by scientists at the Johanneum in Graz, among others.
The enzyme pinosylvin contained in Swiss stone pine wood is responsible for this – which, incidentally, is also responsible for the wonderful and unique scent of Swiss stone pine wood.
